NOTE: Apparently I am not as original as I thought, for a more enjoyable read, checkout ohshitgit

If you are looking for quality content and a generally useful reference please use these (this or this) wonderful guides instead of this page. This post is really more of a reference for myself on situations I’ve been in and how to fix them.

Merging a remote fork from the CLI + VSC

The author of the repo I forked made some cool changes and I want to add them to mine.

# Checkout your branch
git pull BRANCH_NAME
git status
# Accept either their changes or your own

Undo merge on one specific file

Oops, didn’t mean to include that file.

git checkout HEAD~1 -- THE_FILE

Rebasing from remote repo

I messed something up and need to start fresh.

git reset --hard origin/main
git pull origin main

Updating a remote submodule

The repo in the submodule got updated and I want to pull that in.

git submodule update --remote --merge

Make a new branch with current changes

Because I forgot to make one before I started editing and direct commits to Main are discouraged.

Only works if I haven’t committed anything yet.

git checkout -b NEW_BRANCH

Push new branch to remote repo

Because I created a new one for this post, but GitHub doesn’t know about it yet.

git push --set-upstream origin git-post